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Filter units

When lubricants are contaminated by production, usage of machine parts, external dirt, etc., we recommend to use Decolube filter units.

Also new oils do not have allways the cleanliness level as recommended by machine suppliers ( ISO 4406 ) , therefor it is not exagerated to filter new lubricants before use . 

Off-line of On-line filtration ? That's the question !

With off-line filtration or oil transfer Decolube S units can be applied. These are equipped with electrical oil pump, filter unit and transfer hoses. Decolube units are available with different types of pumps and filter efficiencies.

For on-line applications , Decolube F systems are recommended. These units are equipped with lubricant pumps that are able to run 24/24 and can be complemented with depth filtration or  2 stage filtration or combined filtration with water absorption

Decolube no BG (Mobile)
Decolube Off Line
SN020 (Mobile)
Decolube On line
1336_low (Mobile)
Magnetic Filters

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